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Tammy Rief had her baby Jonah out-of-wedlock with a childhood sweetheart..  Tammy raised her child with her parents Cherie and Earl Rief in Alabama.  To survive, Tammy applied for S.S.I.  She was targeted as a single mom with a child with good lineage. A man calling himself Brian Sullivan AKA Kevin Sullivan AKA Sean Sullivan AKA Michael Sullivan AKA Brian Koch (as in the Koch Brothers) began to stalk Tammy and her son.  Brian put up bogus YouTube videos to try to get others to help him kidnap the child.  In these, he pretended Tammy had. been his wife and had fled a California divorce proceeding with their son.  Tammy was never married to anyone and Brian was not related to her son Jonah.   She and Jonah were Alabama residents and did not live in California.  An Alabama judge gave Tammy and her son Jonah a protective order against Brian.  Brian had others join him in stalking Tammy and her child.  Among these stalkers was Sara Francis AKA Sara Frances AKA Denise Glaser AKA Denise Glasier AKA Denise Sullivan AKA Lynn Sullivan.

Brian used trickery to obtain possession of the child and took the child overseas where he was seen by people in the slave trade. Brian also took Jonah to the Country Day Care School in Carlsbad, a location under investigation for Satanic Sex and Blood Rituals involving children.  According to Jonah, Brian pushed objects up Jonah’s rectum and forced him to drink blood.  Jonah said that Denise beat him to try to get him to call Brian his dad but Jonah refused.   Witnesses confirmed the bruises and rope burns that Brian’s torture of the boy left behind and a doctor the confirmed the sexual abuse.

Tammy tried to use the courts to rid her Alabama child of his predator.  However Brian used trickery to get Jonah picked up again. This time, the police believed Jonah about Brian not being his father and about the sexual abuse.  A corrupt social worker let Brian take Jonah out the back door.

Though none of the parties, not Jonah, not Tammy and not Brian, lived in California, Brian got a San Diego judge tied to the Country Day Care School to agree to let Brian take Jonah out of the country.  Brian and Denise used a fake passport to take Jonah to Australia on February 26, 2013. There Jonah disappeared.  It is believed Jonah was sold after Denise AKA Sara Francis profiled him for sale with nude photos on Facebook on March 4, 2013.  Tammy has been informed her son is dead.  She does not believe he id dead but is worried about Jonah because of his courage in standing up against Jonah and Denise.

Tammy, along with the State Department, started to look for Jonah.  But Tammy’s search was cut short after a Grand Dragon of the KKK, holding a Sheriff’s post, picked her up at a beauty salon in Alabama and threatened the owner.  Tammy was kept in solitary detention without charges or reasons for 91 days.  Then she was kidnapped to California.  Jerry Brown did not sign a Governor’s warrant for extradition.  However, a rogue San Diego law enforcement officer named Alfonso Gonzales pretended Jerry had.  Without paperwork, two states refused to allow her kidnappers to fly Tammy from their airports to California.  The kidnappers eventually flew her out of Georgia.

In California, Tammy was subjected to secret  and otherwise farce proceedings where she was not allowed her witnesses. She was placed in a bunk under a false name and warned more than once that, if she continued to pursue her son’s return, she and her family would be killed.

Jonah has not been seen alive in almost two years.  Where is he?  Is he dead as Tammy was told?  Or is he having forced sex?   There is evidence of ties between Brian Sullivan and the military contractor Blackwater.  This increases the danger to Jonah, Tammy and Tammy’s family.  People are being asked to be vigilant for Jonah and for their own children.

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